Blog & Company News
Oct 24, 2013
Can Cloud Computing Solution Make SMB Operations More Efficient?

As we continue our quest to "demystify" the Cloud for our customers, we thought it wise to answer the question, "Can Cloud computing make business operations more efficient than a traditional on-premise solution?"
If you've read our articles from earlier in the week, you have probably begun to realize that the whole the concept behind cloud computing, in and of itself, is literally to improve efficiency through technological advantages for the customer – across all operational business functions.
Think of cloud computing like leasing a home - there are no real risks, no big initial expenditure, and you are not tied to it in any way. Oh, and there is someone to update your software whenever it becomes available.
As IT products have become a service, cloud computing has become nothing less than a model of efficiency, providing small businesses access to high-level software for which they would otherwise have to do without. For the first time, well, since the "big guy" took charge, the "smaller guy" has the ability to stand toe to toe as they are wholly able to provide the same level of service to consumers.
And that, in the truest iteration of the word, is efficiency. Time to put another notch in the proverbial lipstick case that is cloud computing advantages.