Blog & Company News
Sep 10, 2015
Expanding Your Applicant Pool

One of the most important aspects of a business is the choosing the right team to run it. It’s hard enough going through multiple interviews and picking the best candidate, but what if the one you chose is the best out of the group of applicants, not the one that’s best for the position?
When posting a job opportunity, it is important that you describe the position with just enough information to target a group, but not so specific where that group consists of 20 people. Forbes noted that, “prospective employees don’t always look for specific job titles; rather, they search for keywords related to the job level, industry, or personality.” Too much detail prevents the posted position from popping up on a job sites when only a few terms are searched.
Often times, recent college graduates are extremely eager for work and make great candidates to fill openings. However, they tend to avoid positions that include terms like “specialist,” as they don’t feel as though they are qualified for such a title just yet. For this reason, it is necessary that you make your job posts applicant-friendly. For example, rather than titling a job with a “manager” or “specialist” label, use entry-level terms such as “admin,” “assistant,” and “coordinator.”
Of course, each applicant will have to go through whatever interview process your company requires, but the first step is attracting the right group of candidates. The more applicants you have, the better your chances of finding a more perfect fit.
Creating the right team for your business is a key factor in your company’s success. A working environment where everyone works well together makes things like shifting responsibilities and making agreements that much easier.