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Feb 25, 2015
Habits of Persuasive People

As a business owner, there are going to be times when you’re going to need something. Sometimes what you need is going to be a stretch to ask for, but nevertheless, you’re going to figure out a way to get it. Persuasive people have an ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking. They get you to like
them. The following are just a few tricks of the trade to learn how to build your persuasiveness.
Know Your Audience
First and foremost, you need to know who you are speaking to! Sometimes you will have to tone down the assertiveness to speak to someone rather shy, and others, you will have to crank it up for the aggressive types. Being able to adapt to your client goes a long way toward getting him/her to listen to your point of view.
Connect to Your Audience
Connecting on a personal level is the most important thing to do when speaking to someone. People don’t like to feel like they are targets of a sale or that all you are sought after is their money. Ask questions with the intent on relating to whomever you are speaking with. Once that bond is built, you can go anywhere.
Use Positive Body Language
Positive body language will engage your audience and convince them that what you’re saying is valid. Always remember to keep your arms to the side, never crossed. That, along with facing the person you’re speaking with, and maintaining eye contact, shows you are open and willing to listen to what the other person has to say. When it comes to being persuasive,
how you say something can be more important than
what you say.
Be Clear and Concise
The key here is to know your subject so well that explaining it to a child is easy! Persuasive people are able to communicate their ideas to anyone, whether you have a background on the subject or not. Being clear and concise is definitely a skill that needs practice like anything else. Once you get it, you can make a persuasive case with anyone!
Ask Good Questions
Selling someone on an idea of yours can often times distract you from what the other person is really trying to say. The biggest mistake people make when listening is failing to hear what is actually being said. Engage with the person you are speaking to by asking clarification questions that show that you are listening and care about the needs of the other person. You automatically gain a level of respect and appreciation when someone feels they are being heard.
Paint a Picture
Visual imagery coupled with your words is a great way to get across an idea. Research shows that people are far more likely to be persuaded by something that has visuals that bring it to life. Good stories create images in the mind of the recipients that are easy to relate to and hard to forget.
Greet People by Name
You shouldn’t use someone’s name only when you greet him or her. Research shows that people feel validated when the person they’re speaking with refers to them by name. If you’re great with faces but have trouble remembering names, make a game out of it. Ask the person their name a second time if you forget it right after you hear it. There’s nothing wrong with that, and if anything, that person will appreciate the effort you are taking to remember their name.
Unconsciously, people mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. If you want people to like and believe in you, smile at them during the conversation! Persuasive people smile because they have genuine enthusiasm for their ideas. As a result, the warm feeling the client will receive from the smile will be reciprocated, and a bond is formed. Having a welcoming demeanor goes a long way!
These are just a few things to consider the next time you are looking for a favor or want something to go your way. I promise it works!
Bradberry, Travis. "15 Habits Of Exceptionally Persuasive People." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2015. <>.