Blog & Company News
Jun 27, 2013
More Than Show, Social Media Does Lead to Sales
Whenever a new form of media surfaces, there is always a burst of imagination regarding the possiblities followed by a waiting period (often coupled with impatience) to see what works. When social media took off, it didn't take long for marketers to see potential. But what was the best way to maximize it?
Unfortunately, there was no easy answer. Social media proved (and continues to prove) that it "moves" differently than any other entity we've seen to date. It comes with its own set of unspoken preferences, semblances of a new language, and behaviors unique to the media and even from site to site.
Certainly, social media driven sales is a work in progress. But there are some undeniable benefits. It has been shown (
in a recent Comscore study) that users of Facebook and Twitter spend more online than other internet users. That certainly does seem to prove the audience is comprised of willing spenders.
So what's the catch?
There isn't one. Make sure you understand the favorite ways social media audiences like to ingest information. Then, if you have a good product, come up with offers that have value. Just keep in mind, you may have to give up a little earning to benefit to greater volume now - and hopefully an increase in brand awareness as you develop some loyalty with individuals who will come to love (seek out) your products or services.
If you are engaged in social media as a sales and marketing tool, you are headed in the right direction.