Blog & Company News
May 2, 2011
Nominate a Business for Forbes’ List of America’s Most Promising Companies
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The Small Business Authority wants to give you and your clients a leg up in this challenging economy. So when we heard that Forbes was accepting submissions for a list of privately held businesses with scintillating growth prospects---the kind of businesses investors love to bet on, customers love to buy from, and talented employees love to work for---we wanted to get the word to you.
Earning a spot on Forbes’ list of America’s Most Promising Companies means serious exposure---to customers, investors, and talented job applicants. Nearly 5.5 million readers pick up Forbes magazine every two weeks, and an average of 18 million readers go directly to each month.
"People still introduce us as an 'America's Most Promising Company,'" Scale Computing founder Jeff Ready said in a prepared statement. Ready's company came in at No. 16 on the 2009 AMPC list. "It helps our brand tremendously. Competing against folks like EMC and HP, we are at a disadvantage. So we play it up big."
The search begins with a short, free survey that takes just a few minutes to complete. Entrepreneurs may nominate themselves or be nominated by those familiar with their companies.
Click here to enter your submission to Forbes’ list of America's Most Promising Companies.
To learn more about the AMPC selection process,
click here.
Good luck to all the applicants!