Blog & Company News
Jun 15, 2012
These Apps Are Cloudy: Apps that Simplify Using the Cloud

The explosion of applications (aka, “apps”) for smartphones is a mixed blessing. It has given rise to a multitude of applications to handle Cloud and Cloud-related issues using mobile devices. But not all apps are created equal -- there are those that rise above the others in making for more effective use of the Cloud. So in order to separate the “trees” from the forest, here are three free-to-use apps that provide a real value when it comes to using the Cloud.
Available for both iOS (iPhone) and Android devices, the Hojoki app’s purpose is to integrate productivity apps and aggregate all of an individual’s Cloud services into a single location. This enables a fast scanning of accounts in real-time, for example, Google Docs and Calendar, Twitter, Mendelay, CloudApp, Dropbox, among many others. The app also handles SMS messaging and note taking.
3M Cloud Library
Available for both iOS and Android devices, this app lets you read e-Books from participating libraries. Conceived as a direct competitor to the massive digital library distributor, Overdrive, browsing, borrowing and reading fiction/non-fiction titles requires having a valid library card for the library you are accessing -- of course the library must also be subscribed to the 3M service in order for the functionality to be in effect, such as Internet-free reading capabilities. A bookmark feature works across all devices being used, including a PC.
The company may want you to consider their Cloud-based document storage your bread and butter, but any iOS/Android mobile user will want to bite into the box app. It functions as more of a negotiator -- allowing documents to be edited through other apps already installed (such as PDF Expert, Adobe Echosign, QuickOffice, among more than two dozen others). Added to the mix is the ability to share files and folders (and search then too) plus upload photos and videos, all with file-level encryption to “protect and serve.”
[2] 3M Solutions