Blog & Company News

Dec 7, 2012

Top Writer Touts NewtekOne to Avoid Biz. Disasters

Yesterday, featured author Nancy Mann Jackson's "How to Create a Disaster Plan for Your Business," inspired by the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Nancy recommends 7 precautionary actions that should be taken immediately to minimize the adverse business effects of such unforeseeable disasters in the future. Among those touted, was moving web hosting and data storage to the cloud. She writes: "Moving to the cloud doesn’t have to be expensive. For example, Newtek Business Services, a New York City-based provider of cloud computing and other services to small businesses, can host a website in the cloud for as little as $6 a month and offers data storage for as little as $4.95 a month. Google Apps provides 5GB of backup space for free, while Microsoft, Amazon Web Services and Rackspace also offer cloud-computing space." We couldn't agree more Nancy! To learn how to seamlessly transfer your business computing to our Cloud, contact NewtekOne today by visiting or by calling us directly at 1-855-2thesba. To read Ms. Jackson's article in its entirety (and we highly recommend doing so) simply click here.