Blog & Company News
Jan 22, 2014
When Business and Personal Resolutions Meet
The New Year is filled with resolutions for your personal life and for your business. Would it be so wrong if there was some overlap? Of course not! That's why we've decided to share some resolutions that will not only make you feel better, but also serve to improve your productivity and ultimately, benefit your business.
Wake up early
Productivity is at its peak in the morning. Have you ever noticed how your morning flies by and your afternoon sort of drags.? Wake up early = get more done.
Get up and go to the gym
We have read it over, and over, and over again. Those who journey to the gym in the morning are more productive during the day. When exercising, endorphin levels are raised and brain has an opportunity to awaken prior to addressing office tasks.
Set Weekly Goals
Set short term, weekly goals; rather than long term. Short term goals are easier to achieve and more realistic. When setting short term goals, write them down put them on a “To Do” List and, as you achieve them, be sure to take the time to cross things off. The more you cross off the more motivated you’ll be to achieve more throughout your day.
Take a break
Your brain is constantly at work and you find you have less and less downtime. So,
stop. Just a mere ten minutes spent
doing nothing, other than simply clearing out your mind, gives you time to recharge. You may find that you will be able to take a fresh look ahead, possibly from an entirely new vantage point.
Shut down after work and on weekends
When you get home it's your time - an opportunity to focus on you and your family. While office emergencies must be tended to, lack of time for oneself can make it seem as though you are living one endless day. As much as you don't want to believe it, your work will get stale. Enjoy the time you have, because in the end, the happier you are - the more productive you will be.